November 21, 2023
On 11/21/2023 NCPD attempted to stop a vehicle for a suspended registration type F insurance cancellation which resulted in a pursuit with several traffic violations and safety hazards. Officers were able to utilize police K-9 Kato to safely place the driver identified as Troy Bingaman in custody without further incident after a small foot chase. Officers recovered a small amount of suspected methamphetamine, a wax paper wrapper with white powder suspected to be heroin, and other drug paraphernalia from Bingaman. Bingaman consented to a legal blood draw for suspicion of DUI and was placed in Cambria County Jail on several outstanding warrants. With the assistance of the PSP, a female driver Jessica Gromley was located after fleeing and subsequently taken into custody and placed in the Cambria County Jail with a $20,000 bail.
**Every person accused of a crime is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty**
5121 §§ A F3 Escape
5126 §§ A F3 Flight To Avoid Appreh/Trial/Punish
5104.2 §§ A M2 Evading Arrest or Detention on Foot
5104 M2 Resist Arrest/Other Law Enforce
5503 §§ A4 M3 Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off
(2) 780-113 §§ A16 M Int Poss Contr Subst By Per Not Reg
(9) 780-113 §§ A32 M Use/Poss Of Drug Paraph
3802 §§ D2* M DUI: Controlled Substance - Impaired Ability - 1st Offense
1543 §§ B1iii M3 Drg Lic Sus/Rev Purs to Sec 3802/1547B1-3rd or Subs. Violation
3733 §§ A M2 Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer
3112 §§ A3I S Failure To Stop At Red Signal
(2) 3309 §§ 1 S Disregard Traffic Lane (Single)
(2) 3310 §§ A S Follow Too Closely
(2) 3323 §§ B S Duties At Stop Sign
1786 §§ F S Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp
1371 §§ A S Veh Reg Suspended
3714 §§ A S Careless Driving
3736 §§ A S Reckless Driving
5121 §§ A F3 Escape
5105 §§ A3 F3 Hinder App/Prosec-Conceal/Destroy Evid
3733 §§ A M2 Fleeing or Attempting to Elude Officer
5503 §§ A4 M3 Disorderly Conduct Hazardous/Physi Off
3714 §§ A S Careless Driving
3736 §§ A S Reckless Driving
1543 §§ A S Driv While Oper Priv Susp Or Revoked
1786 §§ F Oper Veh W/O Req'd Financ Resp
1371 §§ A S Veh Reg Suspended
Incident #